ERASMUS + Live on the island

8 organizations from 8 different islands from all over the world in an ERASMUS + for the development of awareness of the environment
The premise of the project is the awareness that protecting the environment and conserving the resources of our planet represents a challenge that can no longer be avoided: today, the world is radically different choices that are different from those made in the past, far from the current production model.
As is known, islands are particularly affected by environmental degradation and climate change, due to a more fragile ecosystem and geographical barriers that often lead to conditions of particular socio-economic vulnerability. For the island communities, therefore, “sustainability” and “resilience” are essential characteristics to combat the degradation of their territory and consequently depopulation, youth emigration, and the transformation of the territories into “tourism colonies” with important social consequences and environmental.
In these contexts, we, therefore, consider the promotion of an environmental education that is configured as a continuous process of learning ways of living with a rapidly evolving nature due to climatic and economic factors to be particularly important.
Young people have a leading role in promoting different models of consumption and production: the development of their awareness of the environment and their learning of knowledge, values, attitudes and practices of sustainable development through the exchange of experiences is therefore of primary importance. Faced with this, due to important geographical and socio-economic obstacles, many young islanders enjoy limited mobility and exchange opportunities.
Ottovolante Sulcis (Sant’Antioco, Italy)
Teatro Metaphora (Madeira, Portugal)
Altera Vita –Social Cooperative of Cyclades(Syros, Greece)
Community Forests Pemba (Pemba, Tanzania)
Morobe Development Foundation (Papua New Guinea)

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